Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Things are moving pretty fast around here. We booked the florist today (she's great!) and ordered my wedding band over the weekend. It's going to be custom made to combine elements from a couple bands that I liked. There's no obligation to buy it if we end up not liking it and the price was fabulous, so we went for it. We also found out that they'll do engraving at no charge! I highly recommend Hannoush for jewelry - they've been great to deal with, their pieces are beautiful and they have really fabulous prices. Anyway, enough of my advertising pitch...
Tucker is doing quite well - he's getting much better behaved all the time. We're hoping that by summer he won't have to sleep in his crate anymore. He just has to be better trained with going to his bed and staying there, but that's coming along.
This past weekend we did the guest list for the wedding. It had 40 more people than we were expecting. I blame this on Pete ;) We have had to make some difficult decisions just to get down 15 people from there, which is still well above our target. It looks like we're going to have to adjust the budget, and it's definitely stressing me out. I think I'm going to have to try to get some assisted sleep tonight so I can finally actually sleep! I'm calming down though - we have found a few places to save some money so I think it'll all be ok.
I started going to the gym last week. I'm working on a "couch potato to 5K" training plan. So far it's going pretty well, but I had to miss today due to a nail in my tire. I'll have to make up the day this weekend so I don't get behind in only my second week!
That's the news for now. I'll try to update again soon!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year!!!
It's 2007 and little more than 7 months from the day when Lisa and I will tie the knot. Pretty exciting, huh? We had a great Christmas, with my parents coming down from Maine and all of us going to Lisa's parents for Christmas Eve. While my parents were down we brought out the list of things for my father to do for us. My father hates to just sit around, so having things for him to do is really just another example of how thoughtful and kind Lisa and I really can be :) First on the list was to install the new wood stove that we had delivered on Tuesday. This was a p