Welcome to our life! We thought it was ordinary...more or less...but chaos has a way of catching up. Now we're trying to plan our wedding, fix up our new house and try to figure out our lives together.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

My(Pete) contribution to this blog

So, Lisa apparently expects me to contribute to this blog as well... I'm not sure what I can possibly contribute since I'm sure that she'll describe everything in more than adequate detail. Keep in mind that Lisa types like a billion words per second(that may be a slight exageration), while I still hunt-and-peck. Anyway, don't be too surprised if I let Lisa do the bulk of the typing for this lovely little account of our lives together. Perhaps I'll occasionally pop in to describe my follies in home improvement. I'd post accounts of my adventures in car repair, but I think that probably deserves it's own blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely liked this blog before "pete" added his two cents.

9:08 PM


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