Home Improvement Post #1-The three-season porch

One of the many home improvement projects planned in our household is the conversion of our three-season porch into a year-round sunroom. I've managed to begin the project, much like the biodiesel processor, and now they both sit half done and waiting for me to continue. It doesn't help that after tearing off a sheet of texture-111 from the wall I found the mother of all carpenter ant nests. The plan is to take the ceiling off and insulate it. Along the way I need to evaluate whether or not it will be possible to make the ceiling a cathedral ceiling without risking destroying the whole porch in the process. I considered installing skylights, but from all that I hear they are a big pain in the ass to maintain, and risk ruining the roof over time. The windows also need to be replaced since they are just storm windows that have a negligible insulation value. After the windows and insulation comes the sheetrock, hardwood floors and all that fun stuff. Most importantly of course is the paint. The porch is currently a hideous shade of pink. Sure, Lisa will probably cry to see it go(just kidding she even hates how pink it is), but I can't wait for it to go away. Personally I don't really care what color we paint it after the sheetrock is up, so long as it is not pink. I mean seriously, it's freaking pink.
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